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Knock-out fase met markante botsingen op Masters


Published by frits bakker

© Ton Smilde
Sam van Etten plaatste zich als groepswinnaar en scoorde de hoogste serie van 13 in de kwalificaties


 BERLICUM - The eight players who qualified for the knock-out stage at the Dutch Jumbo Masters are led by Dick Jaspers and Barry van Beers with the maximum six match points after three days of qualifications. Barry van Beers and Jean Paul de Bruijn were the last two players on late Friday. Then the matches for the quarter-finals were scheduled.

The draw, based on match points and averages, showed a striking picture. In the first session at 12.30pm, Dick Jaspers plays against another Brabant crack, Jean van Erp. Two Hague players continue the schedule 14.30: Glenn Hofman and Jeffrey Jorissen. The third quarter final shows two generational rivals against each other at 16.30: Sam van Etten and Joey de Kok. And finally, two players face each other who were also in the same group stage: Barry van Beers and Jean Paul de Bruijn.

From these quarter-finals onwards, it goes to knock-outs with no equalizing inning, to 40 points with all matches again live on Kozoom.

 Group A:

Sam van Etten, as the leader of Group A was tested hard. Frans van Schaik started with 10, had chances to increase that score, as the North Holland player was well stuck in that early part. The turnaround came around the 11th inning with a 6 for Van Etten, first followed by three misses, but after another weaker part, he showed up for a 13-run. ’’I don't know where I got that one from,'' Van Etten later indicated. But it turned out to be the decision in the match, which still went to a margin in Frans van Schaik's favour (37-35), but was won by the young North Holland guy with a final run of 5: 40-37 in 27.

Jeffrey Jorissen grabbed the win at the other table against Raymund Swertz, who attacked one tim with 9 to an interval of 20-20 in 12. The 'Hague wizard' so called by his fans had the better second half, but apart from a run of 5 there were no other outliers: 40-33 in 27.

The standings in Group A:

  1. Sam van Etten 5-1,318-13
  2. Jeffrey Jorissen 5-1.188-8
  3. Jerry Hermans 2-1,381-8
  4. Raymund Swertz 0-0.986-9.

Sam van Etten, group winner, best run

Jeffrey Jorissen,the number 2

Group B:

Barry van Beers closed his group performance on Friday night with a win over Jerry Hermans, who had a flashy start, stalled after the break and was finally beaten by a margin. The Brabant camping owner surprised himself before the turnaround in the match. ,,I didn’t get two makeable balls at table in the second part. My start indeed was great, then I could not finish it.''

Barry van Beers and Jean Paul de Bruijn, the two eventual qualifiers, competed at two tables simultaneously. Jean Paul de Bruijn later said: ''I also depended on the other side, so I did watch from time to time.'' Jerry Hermans' start was not very favorable for the Zeeuw player, but the game turned completely after the break. For JP, Volkan Cetin was not much of a threat. That match ended in a generous win for De Bruijn: 40-19 in 27. Barry van Beers, the frontrunner, beat Jerry Hermans 40-27 in 23.

Standings in Group B:

  1. Barry van Beers 6-1,558-6
  2. Jean Paul de Bruijn 4-1,218-7
  3. Jerry Hermans 2-1.381-8
  4. Volkan Cetin 0-0.783-8

Barry van Beers ahead of Jean Paul de Bruijn in Group B 

Group C:

That one slip on the first day woke up Glenn Hofman for a flawless continuation at the Masters. The Hague native showed his class and mental strength under pressure at the Beneluxtheatre in Berlicum. He first beat Huub Wilkowski 40-30 in 25 on Thursday in Group C and in the decisive match one day later Dave Christiani 40-35 in 20 innings. The final stroke, a cool final run of 10, was the moment of glory for Hofman.

The match ar the TV table in Group C got the most attention, from the audience as Joey de Kok, playing at the other table against Huub Wilkowski, was already qualified in advance. Glenn Hofman absolutely had to win or at least draw, Dave Christiani had to take his last chance, but was eventually floored by Hofman.

That happened in a match that showed a too unsteady Christiani. The Limburg player seized the initiative after 10-10 in two innings, made 7 with a little luck before the break and ran out to 28-20 moments later.

 Christiani could not cash in on that prospect as he missed seven in a row in that important part. Hofman came back to 28-28, it ran to 32-30 for Christiani, but in the heat of the moment Hofman remained cool and went on with a good 10 to finish. The decision had already been made by then, Christiani came up short in the final running (40-35 in 20).

After that, it was mainly about group win and a favorable draw. Joey de Kok, after two strong performances, missed that good feeling against Wilkowski and lost 40-33 in 35, leaving Hofman in the lead despite his unlucky start.

Standings in Group C:

  1. Glenn Hofman 4-1.581-10
  2. Joey de Kok 4-1.255-6
  3. Huub Wilkowski 3-1.195-7
  4. Dave Christiani 1-1.294-8

Glenn Hofman finished as the group winner ahead of Joey de Kok

Group D:

For a while on late Friday afternoon, it looked like Dick Jaspers would make his first slip and Jean van Erp had to crawl through the eye of the needle. Jaspers, the multiple champion, was stuck in his match against Raimond Burgman, the last session in these preliminary rounds of the Jumbo Masters. Jaspers was already sure of the next (knockout) round and wanted to remain unbeaten. But Burgman, not yet top these days, started unleashed and ran to a 30-16 lead.

Only then Dick Jaspers found his flow, only then did he give the audience in the Benelux Theatre value for the entry fee. Jaspers was suddenly the comet of the Masters again, made 11, missed, made 8 and two innings later finished at 40-37 in 18 innings, 2.056 average, good for 2.307 overall over three games.

And from then on, all eyes were at the other table, where Jean van Erp played Kay de Zwart, supported by his fans at the top of the stands, but was in danger in the final stages of the match.

Raimond Burgman finished against Jaspers, had 2 match points 1.193 average. Jean van Erp needed to win the match against Kay de Zwart to reach 4 match points. But if the local favorite lost, things suddenly became very exciting. Then it would come down to the average of Burgman and Van Erp.

 It was 35-31 in 32 innings, a precarious score for Jean van Erp. The tension increased, the cries rolling from the stands became more intense. And finally 'The Iceman', as his nickname is, finished it off. He made a four for 36-35, it went on to 39-39, Kay, who made a wonderful round- about around second ball, missed his next and, according to the calculators, with these innings on the score board, Jean had to win or draw at least to be in the knock-outs. There was a deadly silence in the hall as Van Erp went for a Bankshot over five rails innings and for the win of the match. Continue or perish, that was what it was all about: and Jean van Erp remained cool. He made the Bankshot  and cheered exuberantly to his fans. The relief in the hall and in the arena showed what can make these Masters so wonderfully atmospheric.

The standings in Group D:

  1. Dick Jaspers 6-2,307-12
  2. Jean van Erp 4-1,179-7
  3. Raimond Burgman 2-1,193-7
  4. Kay de Zwart 0-0.875-5

Dick Jaspers, best on average, waiting for Jean van Erp in the knock-outs

Ranking after qualifications:

  1. Dick Jaspers 6-2.307-12
  2. Barry van Beers 6-1.558-6
  3. Sam van Etten 5-1.318-13
  4. Glenn Hofman 4-1.581-10
  5. Jeffrey Jorissen 5-1.188-8
  6. Joey de Kok 4-1.255-6
  7. Jean Paul de Bruijn 4-1.218-7
  8. Jean van Erp 4-1.179-7
  9. Huub Wilkowski 3-1.195-7
  10. Jerry Hermans 2-1.381-8
  11. Frans van Schaik 2-1.220-10
  12. Raimond Burgman 2-1.193-7
  13. Dave Christiani 1-1.294-8
  14. Raymund Swertz 0-0.986-9
  15. Kay de Zwart 0-0.875-5
  16. Volkan Cetin 0-0.783-8


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