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Worldtop in Viersen: about ambiance and Scotch Double


Published by frits bakker

© © Harry van Nijlen/
Three times winners Eddy Merckx and Frédéric Caudron

VIERSEN - The world championship three-cushion for nation teams, with its rich history, will be launched in ten days with a new challenge. The German organization in Viersen and the world federation UMB has changed the playing system as of the knock-out stage according to the Scotch Double system.

The players and mainly the favourite teams have different thoughts before the start. The crowd in De Festhalle are waiting for an extra spectacle in the tournament that has the reputation for years of a wonderful venue and hundreds of sympathetic supporters.

Kozoom made a little tour along the top players in the weeks before the start (February 26 to March 1) and asked them five questions:

Kozoom/Frits Bakker: How did you prepare, how's your form and what do you expect from this championship?

Frédéric Caudron: I play a lot and have to be ready all the time, so no special preparation...
Torbjörn Blomdahl: I will practice a lot before the championship. The chances for Sweden are small. Belgium is too strong and Korea, Turkey, Spain... But who knows, the new system can mix everything up.
Dani Sánchez: I just prepare as always. My form is good for the last months, I'm in a good shape but you never know. I expect to play good matches in Viersen and try to do my best.
Ramón Rodríguez: In the last three weeks, I am practicing in double sessions. About three hours in the morning and four hours after lunch. I play matches and I also practice many different positions. My team partner Guido Saco and I had the same routine. I think we are in good form to face our opponents. We know that all matches are difficult, but we have confidence that we can reach an expectant position in this World championship.
Dick Jaspers: The normal practice, as usual, I am in a pretty good shape as I showed in recent results. But it doesn't mean that much...
Marco Zanetti: I always practice the same way, I feel good, I wish to win a medal here one day.
Martin Horn: I make my hours at home and play some more league-games in France, Belgium and Germany. The last three days before the opening we meet with the national team in Viersen. Bondscoach Wolfgang Zenkner will make the last preparations and will practice with us in the Festhalle! These days are always important to increase the team-spirit!
Eddy Merckx: I don't think you can do special things to prepare, so for me: the same as ever, nothing special.
Jérémy Bury: Since the start of the year, I manage several activities so I had to reduce my training time. However, I feel really good mentally and I think Jean-Christophe Roux and I can play on a high level during this championship. The team spirit is more important than ever this year!
Andreas Efler: My preparation is the same like for any other tournament. Mainly I take care for physical and mental fitness. In my technical training it is mainly about staying in my rhythm of playing and looking for confidence, and sometimes I also practise certain groups of patterns.
Tayfun Tasdemir: I'm in a really good form without special practice.

Kozoom/FB: And about the team, what are the ambitions, how are the chances?

Torbjörn Blomdahl: I play with Michael Nilsson after some troubles in the federation. We know each other very well, so let's hope the best.
Marco Zanetti: Germany is the favourite in the group, Luxembourg under us, we will see.
Frédéric Caudron: We have the same team as the winning team for the last three years and i think we are still one of the strongest teams. But of course, it always depends of the form of the day...
Dick Jaspers: Last year Barry van Beers and I came very far in the tournament (2nd place). I remember that we both played very strong.
Dani Sánchez: About our team I expect to play for the medals. That would be a good result for us. Rubén Legazpi is in a good form, so we can have a chance to perform strong. I think we can make a nice tournament.
Eddy Merckx: We have a good team, of course, but every time we start at zero. Very nice that we won in recent three years, but every championship is a new challenge for everyone.
Ramón Rodríguez: Both we like the distance of 40 points. We can develop a higher performance playing to 40 points. This matter represent an extra dose of confidence to play as we expect. In our group, Korea A is the best team, but it doesn't mean that no one of the others two teams could win the group. If we pass the group, then all the matches are very difficult in K.O-system. I think there are no favourites.
Jérémy Bury: Our group is really difficult, but it's also exciting! I like challenges and it will be one! After the group phase, everything is possible, especially with the new system.
Martin Horn: I will play with Christian Rudolph, my friend and teammate in Herentals, Belgium, where we have so much success in the current season! Of course we want to reach the quarterfinals. And with a good performance and the help of our fans, a medal is again possible...! Also our second team has some good chances and they are strong enough for a surprise...
Andreas Efler: We are in the group with Sweden and Korea B, what means that on the papers we are outsiders, but I see ourselves more as hunter. Some years ago we won the group with Sweden and Portugal, so everything is possible.
Tayfun Tasdemir: We have enough power to win the tournament. I trust my teammate Adnan Yüksel.

Kozoom/FB: Do you like the system that they play in Viersen?

Marco Zanetti: Not really, because the luck factor is too heavy for the qualification to the finals. I would prefer groups of four nations with the best two qualified for the ko final rounds.
Martin Horn: I would prefer to play in groups of four with 30 points, so every team gets minimum three matches!
Eddy Merckx: The system we know from the past years and it is the same for everyone.
Dani Sánchez: I like the system in Viersen, however it's different now, so we will see if it will affect the results for some teams. But it's really a nice tournament.
Torbjörn Blomdahl: Forty points is better than 30 and the doubles can be fun but 15 is short.
Jérémy Bury: For several years, I have been defending a new system for team competitions. I was defending a relay race, but I also like the 'Scotch Double system' (as they play in pool for the Mosconi Cup). We used to play like this when we were training with Frédéric Caudron,
Marco Zanetti and Jean-Christophe Roux in Agipi. It was really funny!
Andreas Efler: It will be a new experience, this system. So I am always positive about new experiences and after the tournament, I will be sure if I like it or not.
Ramón Rodríguez: I like the system. But an option could be that the first two teams in each group qualify for the next round and then play K.O from eighth finals.
Dick Jaspers: Yes, no problem with that, only a shame that there is still no price money after so many years! The top ten players give a strong powerful performance and image to this World championship. Without them, this event would not have the power and presentation as expected on this WC.
Frédéric Caudron: The system is ok, only strange is that two teams from the same country have to meet in the quarter finals, this is not correct...
Tayfun Tasdemir: I like the style of playing in Viersen with the drawing after the groups.

Kozoom/FB: How do you like the ambiance in Viersen?

Dani Sánchez: The ambiance is good, with a lot of spectators in the final matches, especially when you play against some countries like Belgium, the Netherlands or Germany. There are many supporters there, but not for us:-)
Jérémy Bury: Viersen is one of my best memories concerning the ambiance. Maybe because it was my first international medal (except juniors). I remember when we played in the group phase against the German team (Christian Rudolph, Martin Horn): the public was so enthusiastic for them, but always very fair: it was really nice!
Martin Horn: I think it's very special to play in Viersen, especially when the German teams are playing. I like it a lot and this ambiance makes me playing always better. So again, a pleasure to be back in our 'living-room'. Viersen will be again a great Billard-Fest, everybody is looking forward to it. I am happy that Kozoom will broadcast this event live for all fans over the world!
Ramón Rodríguez: The tournament arena in Viersen is one of the best for me. I can feel the spectators presence very close to the playing area, as well from the first floor as from the balcony. Moreover, when one team match is being played simultaneously on two tables, it creates a very special feeling for the players and also for the crowd.
Torbjörn Blomdahl: The atmosphere in the Festhalle is great, especially when the Germans play. Towards the end of the tournament the audience always cheers for all teams. That is nice.
Frédéric Caudron: The ambiance is good, actually it's a very good tournament, we only miss prize money as they said last year. A world championships without prize money sounds very 'amateurish'.
Dick Jaspers: Yes, very good ambiance, nice people, excellent organisation as we can expect from German culture! Compliments for the organizing committee!
Eddy Merckx: The ambiance is really wonderful in Viersen.
Andreas Efler: The ambience in Viersen is always fantastic. I played this WC more than 20 times and I always like to come back. Many spectators, nice playing area, and crazy fans or Hooligans from Belgium... great.
Marco: Nice to play.
Tayfun Tasdemir: The ambiance is really perfect.

Kozoom/FB: How do you think about the Scotch Double system?

Ramón Rodríguez: This new system in Viersen, will equate the possibilities for both teams in the K.O rounds. Until the last edition 2014, the sum of caroms decided which team won the match. Sometimes one of the two matches was interrupted and the spectators didn't understand what happened. It was very bad for all, especially for the eventual losers. Now, every match will continue until the end. That is fair!!! Once in the Scotch Double System, the nervousness will invade players and spectators. Every match will be a nice story in the memories of all people.
Frédéric Caudron: Scotch Double system could be very nice and exciting, but you can imagine that this doesn't help the better teams. From the quarter finals, you can play decisive games to 15 points with this system, which is very short...
Dick Jaspers: ,,No idea, but worth to try! Only a big disadvantage for the strongest teams that win most of the times by difference in scored points. Maybe this will be a success, but to be honest, it's not really fair!
Dani Sánchez: I think this is a good decision, the system, it looks good and nice, but it's the first time we play like that, so we will see what will happen.
Jérémy Bury: It will be very funny! We needed to try something else. It will reinforce the team spirit and I really like it!
Marco Zanetti: This chance is better than nothing, but for me a real team competition should be played by a four players team and not only two. Only in this case, we would really see which nation is the strongest in three-cushion.
Martin Horn: The system will be new and we have to wait how it's going... But I am looking forward to a great spectacle. I think the people will love it, because there will be a lot of tension in the knock-out-round!
Eddy Merckx: I think the intention is to raise the tension and to make it an open tournament for all the top teams.
Torbjörn Blomdahl: In general it is good, because we will always have a clear decision. Not points average or other things like drawing a lot which was or is in the rules.
Tayfun Tasdemir: I don't know the system and I don't like it.
Andreas Efler: Let's have a try with Scotch Double.


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