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Who will be player of the year in Belgium


Published by frits bakker

© © Kozoom photo
Frédéric Caudron (middle), main candidate to win the title.

GHENT - The election for Player of the year is a bit later than usual due to some mutations in the organization, but in recent weeks the BTS in Belgium (Top Billiard Sports) has started the new procedure for the election 2010/2011.

The board of the BTS has nominated five players in the country that dominates three cushion in the world together with the South Koreans.

The election was renewed on several points:
Who can vote?
1 All members/players of the BTS Classics and Masters circuit.
2 all BTS referees
3 one representative from each club BTS
4 the BTS board
5 members of the press
6 the board of the KBBB and the sports committee.

What's new?
The BTS board has proposed five nominees who have made an extraordinary achievement this season.
The nominated players with the most important achievements:
1 Frédéric Caudron (European champion one cushion in Haarlo, 2nd World Cup Hurghada and Matosinhos, champion of Belgium in 47/2, 47/1, 71/2 and one cushion, winner Zundert tournament, winner BTS Master SBS, De Deken and Mister 100, winner Belgium Cup, winner two classics tournaments).
2 Eddy Merckx (European champion teams in Ankara with Eddy Leppens, 2nd at World Cup teams in Viersen with Leppens, 2nd European championship in Porto, 1st World Cup in Trabzon, three-cushion champion of Belgium, champion with BC Deurne in the league, winner Masters tournaments Eeklo and de Goeie Queu).

3 Eddy Leppens (European champion teams with Eddy Merckx, 2nd at World Cup in Sluiskil behind Dani Sánchez, 2nd world championship teams with Merckx, winner BTS classics Kasteeldreef).
4 Patrick Niesen (BTS classics Noorderkempen, Belgian champion free game, 2nd at European championship 47/2 and 71/2).
5 Kenny Miatton (2e at Juniors world championship in Hoogeveen).
