BLANKENBERGE - The entrance of Frédéric Caudron in the Multi's in Blankenberge, on the second day of the competition, was at least as impressive as Patrick Niessen's three wins to launch his tournament. Eddy Merckx, with six match points and 1.690 and Steven van Acker, with six points and 1.211 were the first group winners in three cushion. Eddy Leppens could afford a small misstep against Steven van Acker (40-21 loss in 36), because he dominated his two other group matches (22 and 23 innings) and finished up second with four points and 1.294.
The 19th Multi's have continued on Monday, the second day of the marathon of matches from Sunday to Sunday. The current but about to resign KBBB president Reginald Depoorter is once again surrounded by the best forces within his national federation to turn the Multi's into an event of the highest level.
There are 129 matches scheduled until Sunday January 10th. And all the ingredients are present: besides the 50 matches in the classic disciplines, 64 in three cushion, the juniors come to the tables in three cushion six times and as an extra, the 5 pins competition adds a number of nine matches.
Three cushion, with its international high class players, is the main crowd pleaser of course. Eddy Leppens, who started yesterday, is the defending champion. The contenders can't even be counted on the fingers of one hand. Patrick Niessen shows up in the arena sixteen times, every time as the defender of one of the four titles he won last year (free game, balk-lines 47/1, 47/2 and 71/2). In the last of these disciplines, the world champion and world record holder Frédéric Caudron is his main rival.
In one cushion Caudron starts as the defending champion. He is the man to beat, the main challengers are Eddy Leppens and Peter De Backer.
Frédéric Caudron shone on his opening day with victories over Francis Forton in one cushion (150-30 in eight, run 61) and in the late evening session against Johan Devos in 71/2: 250-20 in two with a final run of 212. Patrick Niessen started with wins against Robby Sonck in the 71/2 (250-41 in seven), Philippe Deraes in 47/1 (200-40 in six) and Peter Debaes in 47/2 (300-11 in four, run 294 ).
Eddy Merckx qualified sovereignly for the next round in three cushion in his group. Ronny Brants, who always performs very well at this championship, finished second with four match points and 1.166, ahead of Marco Janssen (2-0.970) and Mathieu Vlerick (0-0.805) . Steven van Acker remained unbeaten in the group with Eddy Leppens, ahead of Rudy de Laet (2-0.967) and Mathy Monnissen (2-0.739).
Martin Spoormans suffered two more or less surprising defeats in the 5 pins against Mathy Monnissen (2-1, 60/48, 41/60, 52/60) and Peter Debaes (2-0, 60/51, 60/50). Maarten Janssen is on top in the free game after two victories against Johan Devos and Robby Sonck.
Patrick Niessen leads in the 47/2 with two match points and 75.00 average in the 47/1 with two points and 33.33.
Today, on day three, the three-cushion groups with Roland Forthomme, Ivan Stitschinsky, Marc Dellaert and Frank de Groof and Ronny Daniels, Luc Salvo, Kenny Miatton and Tom Persyn will battle it out.
Most notable matches:
11.00, 71/2: Patrick Niessen-Eddy Leppens
15.30: 47/1: Eddy Leppens-Francis Forton
20.30: one cushion Eddy Leppens-Peter De Backer free game: Patrick Niessen-Johan Devos.
All matches will be broadcast live by Kozoom (see link below).
Patrick Mintjens, the sports director
Patrik Mintjens, sports director: ,,May I warmly welcome you all to this annual high quality spectacle. And if you can't succeed to attend, we ask you still to pay a maximum of attention to this mammoth organization.''
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Eddy Merckx, poulewinnaar met 1.690
Frédéric Caudron, veelbelovende start
Patrick Niessen, three wins on his first day of playing
Mathy Monnissen defeated in 5 pins Martin Spoormans 2-1