VIENNA - The main tournament of the World Cup in Vienna will start with a lot of interesting matches. Dick Jaspers opens the day against the Korean top player Chung Bok Lee and Torbjörn Blomdahl meets the player he beat in the final match of the last World Cup in Suwon: Jae Ho Cho.
The draw was made by Farouk Barki, the sports director of the UMB, via the positioning system. He connected the 32 players to each other.
Dick Jaspers Frédéric Caudron, Kyung-Roul Kim and Eddy Merckx were the first four seeded players of the top world ranking.
The main tournament starts at eleven o'clock tomorrow with the official opening, the first matches are at 12.00.
The program:
Lee Jaspers, Umeda-Christiani, Tasdemir-Papakonstantinou, Bury-Robinson Morales.
Horn-Leppens, Blomdahl-Cho, Efler-Coklu Merckx-Kang.
Kim-Polychronopoulos, Sidhom-Forthomme, Kasidokostas-Julian Morales, Cenet-Heo.
Caudron-Legazpi, Choi-Philipoom, Funaki-Zanetti, Sánchez-Kostistansky.