

Patrick Niessens threatens with boycot Multi's


Published by frits bakker

© © Paul Brekelmans
Patrick Niessen, one of the world's best players in the classic games

BREE - The 52-year Belgian billiard player Patrick Niessen threatens with a boycott of the Belgian Multi championships, because the federation has announced to shorten the matches in the classic disciplines. The sixfold European champion and multiple Belgian title holder has taken note of the plans and will not sign up for participation. That means Niessen will not play at the Belgian Multi's championship in Blankenberge and will also miss the European championship in Brandenburg. ,,In my view they are destroying our sport, I will not play at the Multi's'', is his comment.

The sports committee of the Belgian federation has decided that the matches in the free game, the balk-lines disciplines and the one-cushion will played to less caroms because the matches take too long. For years, the Belgian championship in Blankenberge struggles with long, boring matches until far over midnight. The matches must be reduced by at least fifty caroms. Patrick Niessen has another solution: let them play with a clock, for example three hours for a match. If they have not finished, the match must be stopped.

The balk-line player, one of the best classical players in the world, knows what the consequences are for him. ,,It means quite a lot, that I risk my participation at the European championship. But the limit has been reached for me. I do not accept that they devalue our championships. The Belgian championship is a wonderful tournament with lots of spectators. The people come to watch great billiard in all discipliness. I can not motivate myself for a match to 150 points. We practice a lot, for many years, so we all want to play a worthy championship. That is taken away in this way.''

Patrick Niessen understands where it went wrong: ,,It's all about players who are not really high class, in Belgian honour class. They make the matches so long, also because they play defensively. But believe me, that will not change if they reduce the matches from 200 to 150. Then they will not suddenly finish in three innings, so it will take as long as before. The only solution is to play on time with a limit. And certainly, to let only the best players participate.''

The argumentation of the specialist is understandable. ,,I have been practicing for many years and I want to play high averages. That also applies to players like Eddy Leppens. The audience comes to see high class billiard, high runs, not to watch players for hours and hours, who actually do not belong at this championship. That should be said for one time. I am angry about this decision. People, I do not know at all have announced that our matches have to go down. Whhen they want to do it, okay, but they have to play without me.''

Patrick Niessen should defend two titles at the upcoming Belgian championship and has been champion many times in the balk-line disciplines for many years.

The comment of Robert Monnissen, president of Maaslandse and member of the Belgian board: ,, The federation regrets that Patrick Niessen, and another player of his club, Jean Godeyne, will not play. The decision has been made for one year, from 2019/2020 we want to separate the honour class and the excellence class. Registrations are already received for this year. They will therefore play to reduced points. As the president of Niessen's club, I completly support his decision.''


