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New perspective after European meeting with PBA


Published by frits bakker

© JP Parmentier/PBAtour
Ms Diane Wild, President of CEB and Mr. Heejin Lee from PBA

AMSTERDAM - The two meetings in which PBA Manager Heejin Lee spoke with European Federations, CEB directors, team owners, organizers, people from the billiard industry and sponsors have given a little more perspective for a form of cooperation with the UMB, the world billiards federation, in the longer term. The Korean pro league is ready to make concrete proposals towards UMB and CEB (European federation). Most of all, Mister Lee was more optimistic after the meetings in Bordeaux and Amsterdam than after the meeting with the UMB during the World Cup in Ho Chi Minh, where nearly no communication between the parties was possible. In its reaction, the European federation, which was represented by President Diane Wild and Jean Pierre Guiraud, Secretary General, sticks to the statement published on the CEB website: "The outcome of the meeting is that Mr Lee will put proposals on paper very soon on behalf of the PBA. Until then, no comments will be published by the CEB.''

Mister Heejin Lee's comments, among others, speak of the PBA's 'life and death' struggle to ultimately survive and the main successes for now. He points to the urgent cooperation needed to make billiards a world sport and identifies the 'ageing problem of billiards', with no youngsters from the generation under 35 having any respect for the sport of carom any more.

We gauged reactions after the two meetings with Mister Lee and prominent people from the billiard world.

Mr. Heejin Lee, manager of PBA, the Korean pro league

’Unlike my meeting previously at HCMC, I enjoyed good meetings with many good people both in Bordeaux and Amsterdam. Actually, most of those important leaders, I haven't got a chance to meet before. In Bordeaux, the meeting with sponsors, team owners, event organizers, and journalists in European countries was for a better understanding of the necessity of mutual cooperation to enlighten our sports as a one world sport. Likewise, as in Europe, I explained the situation of Korea and Japan for the aged shape of billiards fans and lovers.’’

’’The success of PBA in Korea was not automatically granted. PBA faced 3 times of difficulties for survival for the last 4 years and finally overcome those difficulties with the life and death struggle to fight for the bad image of billiards, Corona and aging problem of billiards where no young generation under 35 never respect billiard. However, at the same time, the new development of Vietnam billiards with the young generation under age 35 dramatically changed the passion and future of carom. They are dominating the new carom boom in Asia. We both European and Korean leaders have to learn from Vietnam and to grow together with those young generation to provide hope and glory for their future, which we all agreed. Great momentum we shared together.’’

’’In Amsterdam, many respectful leaders from each nation and CEB were so frank to be acquainted with the situation in Asia, and all expressed the importance of bringing good and sustainable sponsors to the sports, based on media coverage to provide fluent benefits to the sponsors in return, to make growing sports property of our sport for the hope of young generation and their parents to enter into billiard sport world. With such good meetings both in Bordeaux and Amsterdam, PBA promised to propose in written language soonest for the better and promising current and future development of carom sports as a one world. It was really nice, polite, rational, and interactive meetings there, I believe.’’

Torsten Danielsson, President Danish billiard federation:

’’The meeting with Heejin Lee was both informative and productive. It was important for the present federations and CEB to hear from firsthand what PBA is planning for the future and what visions they have for carom. Mr. Lee will now send a new written proposal to CEB about how he thinks it will be possible for UMB and PBA to find a resolution. CEB will then present the proposal to UMB.’’

’’What is urgently needed for our sport is a plan. What do we want to achieve with our beloved carom sport (visions!)? And how do we reach our goals on short term and on long term (strategy and execution)? An organization without a vision plan (Business plan) is like a ship without rudder and compass.’’

’’When we look at other sports we see how many of them have changed from being dusty old fashioned organizations to modern, innovative and business oriented organizations. The billiard sport has so much unmet potential. PBA seem to have these visions - what about UMB?

Strategic partnerships with PBA and other innovative organizations and companies is mandatory to go from being mediocre to being professional. I hope the leadership of UMB understands the necessity of renewal and change. Let us overcome obstacles and find solutions. The federations that took part in the meeting in Amsterdam agree that we need to find a way for our players to choose freely where they want to play without being banned and excluded. This is one of the basic and most urgent issues that must be fixed.’’’

Torsten Danielsson, President of Danish billiards federation

Xavier Carrer, Kozoom CEO

’’I’m glad Heejin Lee accepted to make a stop in our office where he met important actors from Billiard industry. He has a huge experience in Sports and Media business. We shared many infos and ideas. Kozoom is willing to work with every promotors and Federations sharing the same ambition for our sport. I recently invited AfreecaTV too. They are welcome too. Building walls is leading nowhere.’’

Xavier Carrer, Kozoom CEO

Jean-Paul Sinanian, President French billiard federation

’’I think this meeting was the right thing to do. Very constructive and very hopeful I felt Mr Lee needs us as we need him. Billiards will be stronger if we work all together and stop fighting But there is long and hard work to do before We need to imagine a new way to work. We must think about future. And what should be the best for the growth of our sport.’’

Jean Paul Sinanian, President French billiard federation

Benny van Goethem, President Belgian billiard federation

’’We got the impression that openings can come up, but the water is still very deep. Things will not happen in the short term, at most in two years or more. What we have seen is that the CEB is more positive about it than they were three or four years ago. It is now to be hoped that the UMB will also get on board and also show its good intentions. Then things could move in the direction of cautious cooperation. The good will should be there on both sides, then there could be communication and work towards a better future.’’

Carl Verhoeven, owner multiple Dutch team champion SIS Schoonmaak and modern billiard centre SIS Experience:

’’We have been told that first the ways of the different individuals have to be swept clean. A lot of creases need to be ironed out before we can negotiate meaningfully. I myself am certainly not against PBA, neither am I against the UMB. I am, however, against dismantling our sport. We should not fight against each other, but with each other to make our sport flourish. That will certainly be a difficult task.''

Carl Verhoeven, owner SIS Schoonmaak team and billiards centre
