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Juntae Kim for second day lucky loser


Published by frits bakker

© © Kozoom Studio
Dutch player Barry van Beers, the day winner, not spoiled with a favorable draw

SHARM EL SHEIKH - The best day win went to Dutchman Barry van Beers, the Korean player Juntae Kim was the lucky loser for the second time in two days. Dani Sánchez had to cancel the World Cup in Sharm El Sheikh due to the death of his 79-year-old father, who taught him the love and passion for billiards. Juntae Kim was the best runner-up for the second day. He was the substitute on Tuesday for the Austrian Szivacz, tomorrow he will replace Dani Sánchez.

Dutch player Barry van Beers (43), day winner with 4 match points and 1,935, did not face a favorable draw for the final qualification day. He was linke in the last of 12 groups to Vietnamese coming-man Duc Anh Chien Nguyen and Turk Can Capak. "I could have been more lucky," the Dutch player realized. ''They are both unknown to me. I never played them, but if I can reach my level that I played today, almost 2 average, I will make it difficult for them.''

The daily leader didn't face any troubles today on the third day in his matches against Gülsen Degener (30-13 in 14) and Ahmet Bayatli (30-13 in 17). He was followed by Chang-Hoon Seo (4 match points, 1,666), Peter De Backer (4-1,463), Michael Nilsson (4-1,363) and Turgay Orak (4-1,304).

Four of five Turks were among the winners in this preliminary round, two of five Spaniards went to the final round before the main tournament. The Egyptian Ihab El Messery was the last of the players with four match points, the lowest in average. Antonio Montes escaped with three match points and a cry of joy. Tolgahan Kiraz qualified with two points, but Juntae Kim was even more happy with his second lucky loser place.

Gökhan Salman launched himself with an awesome 30-12 in 10 against Kostas Antonatos. In his second match, the Greek played a draw against Antonio Montes (30-30 in 26), the Spaniard defeated Salman 30-24 in 24 and passe his Turkish opponent with 3 over 2 match points. Salman was eliminated with 1,588, what made him the third best player of the day on average.

Turgay Orak was the winner in the group with three Turks: he defeated both Omer Karakurt 30-19 in 24 and Ahmet A,p 30-24 in 22. Like Salman, Alp achieved 1,588 on average due to a rapid win over Karakurt (30-18 in 12). The most tension in the final phase of the groups showed the match between Muhammed Cavusoglu and Ragay Henry (30-29 in 32).

Peter De Backer showed his best shots in the last part of his match with Ivan Mayor in a decisive run of 9. Michael Nilsson, the star player on the previous day, beat Goren and Kiyota. Andres Carrion topped the group with Tüzül and Maurer, Manolis Minaoglu won the battle with three players who did not touch one average with Ronny Brants and Jan Ales.

Xuan Cuong Ma won the decisive match against Juntae Kim 30-22 in 14, after he played a draw with Raul Cuenca. Bernard Baudoin finished on top with exactly 1,000 after wins over Egyptian Salem and Jordanian Soboh.

The day ranking on Tuesday:

1 Barry van Beers (NL) 4-1.935-6
2 Chang-Hoon Seo (Kor) 4-1.666-8
3 Peter De Backer (Bel) 4-1.463-9
4 Michael Nilsson (Zwe) 4-1.363-7
5 Turgay Orak (Tur) 4-1.304-8
6 Ja-In Kang (Kor) 4-1.304-6
7 Ivo Gazdos (Cze) 4-1.153-10
8 Muhammed Cavusoglu (Tur) 4-1.153-5
9 Andres Carrion (Sp) 4-1.132-6
10 Bernard Baudoin (Fr) 4-1.000-7
11 Manolis Minaoglu (Tur) 4-0.952-8
12 Ihab El Messery (Egt) 4-0.750-4
13 Xuan Cuong Ma (Vie) 3-1.621-9
14 Rui Costa (Por) 3-1.224-7
15 Antonio Montes 3-1.200-6
16 Tolgahan Kiraz (Tur) 2-1.292-9

The high ranked players who enter on Wednesday:

Myung-Woo Cho, Duc Anh Chien Nguyen, Nguyen Quoc Nguyen, Lütfi Cenet, Sung-Won Choi en Roland Forthomme.

The twelve groups for the last qualification day:

Poule A: Xuan Cuong Ma, Ihab El Messery, Myung Woo Cho
Poule B: Rui Costa, Manol Minaoglu, Sung-Won Choi
Poule C: Antonio Montes, Bernard Baudoin, Juntae Kim
Poule D: Tolgahan Kiraz, Andres Carrion, Nguyen Quoc Nguyen
Poule E: Bong Chul Kim, Muhammed Cavusoglu, Roland Forthomme
Poule F: Wan Young Choi, Ivo Gazdos, Lütfi Cenet
Poule G: Dustin Jäschke, Ja-In Kang, Dion Nelin
Poule H: Ahmed Aballah, Turgay Orak, Dinh Nai Ngo
Poule I: Mohsen Fouda, Michael Nilsson, Nikos Polychronopoulos
Poule J: Arnim Kahofer, Peter De Backer, Trung Hau Do Nguyen
Poule K: Abin Mohamed, Yusuke Mori, Chang-Hoon Seo
Poule L: Can Capak, Barry van Beers, Duc Anh Chien Nguyen.

Anres Carrion in next round after win over Tüzül

Peter De Backer, great final rush with 9 to win th match

Tolgahan Kiraz closed the 16 winners with two match points






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