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Frédéric Caudron is the best, TOVV winter champion


Published by frits bakker

© © Harry van Nijlen
Frédéric Caudron, best average in Dutch league

VLAARDINGEN - The Dutch league shows up for the fifteenth round on Sunday and will close the year with as winter champion. The team from Vlaardingen is playing a home game against A1 Biljart, last year's champion and leads the ranking two matchpoints ahead of Dallinga-Frans Bevers and with a better match score than its main rival.

The remainder of the competition, until the 22nd round, will be played in the new year, starting with the round of January 6, when the clash betwpen TOVV and Dallinga is on the program.

Frédéric Caudron, who last week won against Coklu and Spoormans in the double program and then grabbed the World Cup in Hurghada, ends the year as individual leader. The Belgian has after fourteen rounds an average of 2.032. Murat Naci Coklu (only seven matches) follows at a respectful distance with 1.789, Eddy Merckx 1.693, Eddy Leppens 1.656 before Jef Philipoom 1.617, Roland Forthomme 1.606 and Dion Nelin 1.559.

Frans van Kuyk is on eighth spot the best Dutch player with 1.550, before Raimond Burgman with 1.505. leads with 27 points, two matchpoints more then Dallinga with 25, Snellen gathered 18 points, Martens Cleaning 16.

A1 Biljarts (15 points), Landswelvaren, Dekker Keukens, Van den Broek (all 13 points) and Holland Mineraal (12) are also in the running for a place in the play-offs.

Snellen Recycling is hosting the Dekker team on Sunday in a battle for the high positions. TOVV plays the home match against the reigning champion A1.

The full program:
Snellen Recycling Dekker Keukens
TOVV.NL/Mcr-A1 Biljarts
Post Luchtkanalen-Dallinga-French Beavers
Martens Cleaning-Landswelvaren/Iets Anders
Mineraal-Holland Van den Broek Biljarts/Hanbat
Van Wanrooij Transport FDV Jacoby/Schueler Cues.


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