ANALYA - The European Championships in all disciplines are heading to the finish line today (Sunday) with the highlights being the finals between the national teams in three-cushion. The men's teams have reached the semi-finals, while the ladies will play the final this Sunday afternoon (13.00 Turkey, 12.00 Western Europe): the Netherlands against Turkey. In the men's teams, the semi-finals are between Turkey and Sweden and the Netherlands and Greece (semi-finals 13.00, final 18.00 (Turkish clock).
The Dutch team with Dick Jaspers and Jean Paul de Bruijn beat Germany with Martin Horn and Dustin Jäschke in an enthralling battle early Sunday morning. Jean Paul de Bruijn was the match-winner by taking victory against Jäschke 40-27 in 23. Dick Jaspers managed to equalize against Martin Horn, in a high-class match: 40-40 in 15 (2.666 on average). The Netherlands' opponent in the semi-finals, Greece, won 2-0 against France in the quarter-finals. Nikos Polychronopoulos was well ahead of Jérémy Bury (40-40-15 in 15), Kostas Kokkoris beat Mikaël Devogelaere 40-35 in 23.
In the other schedule, the Turks (team 1 and 2) played a shoot-out in the semi-finals and the first Turkish team won. Sweden beat Spain 2-0.
Dani Sánchez ran into a super-strong Torbjörn Blomdahl (40-18 in 16), Ruben Legazpi was beaten by Michael Nilsson, who was even better than his leading player: 40-18 in 14 (2.857 average).
For Turkey 1, Semih Sayginer won against Berkay Karakurt (40-33 in 18, both runs of 11), Tayfun Tasdemir was beaten by Tolgahan Kirtaz 40-36 in 19, bringing the score to 1-1, after which shoot-outs had to decide. Turkey 1 won the duel between the two home teams.
Sunday 1pm:
In the ladies, the final is between the Netherlands and Turkey: Therese Klompenhouwer faces a long-time rival, Gülsen Degener. Monique van Exter is the opponent of Güzin Mujde Karakasli.
The Dutch defeated Belgium 2-0 in the semi-finals, as Therese Klompenhouwer was too strong for Jaimie Buelens (30-16 in 32) and Monique van Exter also won without being in trouble against Daniëlle Le Bruyn: 30-16 in 42. The Turkish team beat Denmark 2-0 thanks to wins by Gülsen Degener against Charlotte Sörensen (30-28 in 33) and Mujde Karaksli against Nanna Petersen (28-21 in 50).
The final at 1pm: Netherlands-Turkey.
Today also marks the conclusion of the European Championships for club teams at the small table. The final is this afternoon at 17.00 Turkish time.
The four clubs still in the race are:
Ankara Hemsin Spor Kulübü
Sinop Spor Kuluu2bü
BK Gröndal
Goztepe Spor.
The Dutch team is playing Greece in the semi finals, Jean Paul de Bruijn and Dick Jaspers
Michael Nilsson in an excellent form, playing for Sweden with Torbjörn Blomdahl
Nikos Polychronopoulos for Greece, playing Dick Jaspers in the semi's
Therese Klompenhouwer, ready for the clash with Gülsen Degener
Gülsen Degener, good win over Sörensen, now facing Therese Klompenhouwer