OOSTERHOUT - The reigning champion SIS is still competing for the top spots again, despite the loss of Dick Jaspers, who rarely played in his last year, and Eddy Merckx, the long-time frontrunner in Carl Verhoeven's top team. This Saturday afternoon (19 October, 13.00), because the World in Veghel kicks off on Sunday, the league number one, Team Babbelz, will be the home club for the match with SIS/Vervoort. Frédéric Caudron for Babbelz and Jean van Erp for SIS are the front men, the Kozoom league leader has the further line-up with Ronny Lindemann, Davy van Havere and Jack Wijnen. Babbelz's lead over four chasers is two points.
Team Eekhoorn, a feared rival, plays the away match against RCN Nieuwegein, which, with its three Dutchmen and Belgian Henk Blauwblomme, is in the long middle order after four rounds of play. The positions can change weekly as the margins are still extremely small. Eekhoorn comes to Nieuwegein with its strong line-up, so again with Nick Polychronopoulos. Dave Christiani opposes the Greek. Cues&Darts has quickly found the way up after a lesser start and makes the away trip to J&F Auto's in The Hague, where Frenchman Mikael Devogelaere is the leader and Glenn Hofman’s opponent. Jef Philipoom, Huub Wilkowski and Joey de Kok complete the Cues&Darts team
The fourth chaser with five points is STZ Zundert, which makes the away trip to De Biljartacademie after a slip last week. Roland Forthomme, leader for the Limburg team, thus faces the team where he was the favorite home player for many years. The Belgian, good for a top run of 23 just a few days ago, meets Sam van Etten.
Paperclip, with Dick Jaspers as frontman, will face Bousema with Martin Horn, a top billing on centrecourt between two players who often played with and against each other. Jeffrey Jorissen makes way for Horn as leader and plays in the second position against Anno de Kleine.
Aartsbouw against Dallinga also features two former teammates facing each other: Eddy Merckx against Jean Paul de Bruijn, the only Dutchman at the tables in this match. The Dallinga team further has a line-up with three Belgians, Steven van Acker, Peter De Backer and Koen Saver. Aartsbouw is playing with three Belgians (Merckx, Brants, Persyn) and a Turk, Turgay Orak.
Round 5 Kozoom league, the matches and line-ups:
Team Babbelz-SIS/Vervoort
Frédéric Caudron-Jean van Erp
Ronny Lindemann-Raymund Swertz
Davy van Havere-Martien van der Spoel
Jack Wijnen-Harrie van de Ven
RCN Nieuwegein-Team Eekhoorn
Dave Christiani-Nick Polychronopoulos
Barry van Beers-Peter Ceulemans
Gerwin Valentijn-Frans van Kuyk
Henk Blauwblomme-Kurt Ceulemans
De Biljartacademie-STZ Zundert
Roland Forthomme-Sam van Etten
Roy Zielemans-Thorsten Frings
Paul Wallerand-Rik van Beers
Mathy Monnissen-Francis Forton
Dick Jaspers-Martin Horn
Anno de Kleine-Jeffrey Jorissen
Dan Breur-Johan Loncelle
Peter van Lieshout-Stefan Galla
J&F Auto’s/Jorissen-Cues&Darts/Xtreme
Mikael Devogelaere-Glenn Hofman
Murat Gökmen-Jef Philipoom
Kay de Zwart-Huub Wilkowski
Paul Bruijstens-Joey de Kok
Eddy Merckx-Jean Paul de Bruijn
Turgay Orak-Steven van Acker
Ronny Brants-Peter De Backer
Tom Persyn-Koen Saver