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Discussion: big names among amateurs


Published by frits bakker

© © Kozoom/Harry van Nijlen photo
Dani Sánchez in his uphill match against Dick Jaspers

BRANDENBURG - The discussion whether professional players must be allowed to perform among amateurs or not at the European championship heated again before the final on the small table. Dani Sánchez plays the final tonighHt after he had outplayed another famous player: Dick Jaspers. The opponent in the final game is Herbert Szivacz from Austria, who beat Michael Nilsson.

The more un-known amateurs were no longer in the tournament in the closing stages. Dani Sánchez, Hebert Szivacz, Michael Nilsson and Dick Jaspers will grab the main prizes, all the others are out. The main prize of 3000 euro and the silver medal of 2000 euros go to Daniel Sánchez and Herbert Szivacz, the winner takes the highest price. The third and fourth prize are 1000 and 500 euros.

Michel Camp, last year's finalist and one of the other players, was involved with the discussions in recent days. They did not like it that professional players suddenly signed up for the small table to win the prize money. ,,For one time we can win something and now the pros grab the money’’, was the common criticism.

Anyway: the European championship organiziation determines the rules and players like Jaspers, Sánchez, Bulut, Nilsson, Hofman, Sidhom and Legazpi did nothing wrong.

The only question can be: was it a good idea and will it not scare the other players for next time. Would it, for example, be wise in cycling that famous pros ride in a race with amateurs?

Whatever: Michel van Camp, Herbert Szivacz, Huub Wilkowski, Michael Nilsson, Savas Bulut, Dani Sánchez, Radovan Hajek and Dick Jaspers showed up as best eight for the quarterfinals.

Jaspers defeated Hajek 40-14 in 13 innings, Sánchez won 40-10 against Bulut, Szivacz disturbed the illusions of Van Camp (40-35 in 27) and Nilsson defeated Wilkowski 40-16 in 12.

Dani Sánchez knocked down his big rival Dick Jaspers with a painful beating in the semifinals. The Spaniard played a one-man show and won 40-12 in eight innings after a decisive run of 15 the fifth inning.

Herbert Szivacz surprised with a victory in a slow match against Nilsson. The Austrian won 40-36 in 21 innings.


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