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Depoorter for his last Multi's in Blankenberge


Published by frits bakker

© © Kozoom
Reginald Depoorter, figurehead of Belgian billiards, interviewed by Kozoom

BLANKENBERGE - The Belgian federation president Reginald Depoorter says goodbye as the figurehead of billiards in his country after many years of loyal service. The multi championships in the Blankenberge Casino, from Sunday 3 to Sunday, January 10th and later the Belgium Cup, are the last annual highlights of his farewell trip. Two candidates are announced for the follow-up: Benny van Goethem and Arthur Standaert. The Multi's, held for the 22nd time in this format with all game types, are the podium for all Belgian top players in all disciplines like every year. Eddy Leppens defends his title in three cushion, Frédéric Caudron will not only show up in three-cushion and one cushion, he also makes his comeback in one of the balk line games: 71/2. That’s great to hear for the lovers of the classic games from home and abroad.

Reginald Depoorter, who turns 79 next month, oversees the eight-day marathon of matches for the last time, with his wife Yvonne. His retirement after 31 years, after nine years as vice-chairman, comes at a time when the Belgians have a generation of top players, with three of them in the global top twelve: Eddy Merckx, Frédéric Caudron and Roland Forthomme.

The outgoing president started his career in 1985 as a successor to Frans Gombeer. The Belgian federation was only reigned by seven presidents since 1906. Reginald: ,,I was lucky that my period as chairman paralleled with the successes of Raymond Ceulemans and Ludo Dielis. And that later, young talents like Caudron, Merckx, Leppens and Forthomme appeared on the world stage.’’

Besides being chairman of the Belgian federation, De Poorter (from Sint Amandsberg near Ghent) also organized many international tournaments, including three World Cups in Gent and two in Hooglede. He was involved in the organization of World championships, pentathlons, is a UMB member of honour and was the initiator to bring the Belgian championships in all games together, 22 years ago. ,,In those years, there were some problems organizing the classics’’, Depoorter remembers. ,,Then we decided to organize the championships in one week. The first years were difficult, later it turned into a great success. Two years ago, we had to move to another room in Blankenberge, because the venue was too small. But now, we have a full house again during our matches.’’

The amiable president can proudly look back when he retires in February during the meeting of his federation. Also the Belgium Cup, played for 26 years in its current format, has been a huge success. ,,I still feel fit enough, says Depoorter, who is a trumpet player in a band in his spare time and earlier, as an engineer, led a private office until his 65th year. ,,But I have the feeling in billiards that it’s enough now: a new, young president must take the lead. I feel that I’m getting tired, for example at the Belgian championships, with eight days from 9 o'clock in the morning until two in the night. Also, in the preparation, we have to arrange everything ourselves, like sponsoring, Vip boxes, catering. Luckily I have my wife Yvonne, who is always behind me and shares a lot of work with me in the organization.’’

The Belgian Multi's start in three days, on Sunday, January 3rd. The opening ceremony is at 13.00, the first matches are at 14.00.

For the true lovers of all kinds games, a summary of some interesting matches:

Monday, January 4:


One cushion: Eddy Leppens-Rudy de Laet

71/2: Patrick Niessen-Robby Sonck


One cushion: Eddy Merckx-Mathieu Vlerick

47/1: Philippe Deraes-Patrick Niessen


One cushion: Frédéric Caudron-Francis Forton


71/2: Frédéric Caudron-Johan Devos

Tuesday, January 5:


One cushion: Roland Forthomme-Yvan Stitschinsky

71/2: Patrick Niessen-Eddy Leppens


One cushion: Kenny Miatton-Tom Persyn


47/1: Eddy Leppens-Francis Forton


One cushion: Eddy Leppens-Peter De Backer

Wednesday, 6 January:


71/2: Eddy Leppens-Frédéric Caudron


One cushion: Kurt Ceulemans-Francis Forton


One cushion: Frédéric Caudron-Frédéric Mottet


One cushion: Eddy Leppens-Frédéric Mottet

Thursday, January 7:


One cushion: Frédéric Caudron-Eddy Leppens

47/1: Eddy Leppens-Philippe Deraes


One cushion: Martin Spoormans-Wesley de Jaeger

One cushion: Peter Ceulemans-Danny Wuyts


One cushion: Eddy Leppens-Francis Forton

71/2: Frédéric Caudron-Robby Sonck

Friday, January 8:


Eighth-finals in three cushion


One cushion: Frédéric Caudron-Peter De Backer


71/2: Patrick Niessen-Frédéric Caudron

Saturday, January 9:


Quarterfinals three cushion


47/1: Eddy Leppens Patrick Niessen


47/2: Patrick Niessen-Eddy Leppens


Semi-finals three cushion

Sunday January 10:


One cushion: Frédéric Caudron-Eddy Leppens

One cushion: Francis Forton-Peter De Backer


Final match three cushion juniors.


Final three cushion.

The group formats in three cushion:

Group 1: Eddy Leppens, Steven van Acker, Rudy de Laet, Mathy Monnissen

Group 2: Eddy Merckx, Marco Janssen, Ronny Brants, Mathieu Vlerick

Group 3: Frédéric Caudron, Davy van Havere, Marc Celen, Frédéric Mottet

Group 4: Jef Philipoom, Kurt Ceulemans, Francis Forton, Marc Roofthooft

Group 5: Peter De Backer, Henk Blauwblomme, Andy de Bondt, Sven van Orshaegen

Group 6: Roland Forthomme, Marc Dellaert, Frank de Groof, Yvan Stitschinsky

Group 7: Ronny Daniels, Kenny Miatton, Tom Persyn, Luc Salvo

Group 8: Peter Ceulemans, Martin Spoormans, Wesley de Jaeger, Danny Wuyts.

The groups in the classic games:

Free game: Patrick Niessen, Maarten Janssen, Robby Sonck, Johan Devos, Philippe Deraes

47/2: Patrick Niessen, Eddy Leppens, Peter Debaes, Maarten Janssen, Robby Sonck

47/1: Patrick Niessen, Eddy Leppens, Maarten Janssen, Philippe Deraes, Francis Forton

71/2: Frédéric Caudron, Patrick Niessen, Eddy Leppens, Robby Sonck, Johan Devos

One cushion: Frédéric Caudron, Eddy Leppens, Francis Forton, Peter De Backer, Frédéric Mottet

Junior three cushion: Stef van Hees, Dylan Parent, Jens van Orshaegen, Michael Parent.

Lien Blankenberge (programme, matchs)


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