CAIRO - The stylish and artistic ballroom in the Marriott Mena House hotel in Cairo is the podium where the tournament for the World championship in three cushion takes place this week. Mr. Farouk Barki, the UMB president, welcomes the 48 participants on historical ground in his own country for a break-down battle over five days. The start is tomorrow, Tuesday, the final day is on Saturday. The title, the ranking points, the trophy and the 20.000 euro for the winner is a guarantee for billiards on the best level and thrilling fights in the pre-rounds and the finals. The Belgians Frédéric Caudron and Eddy Merckx made a shot at the title in Bolivia last year and certainly belong among the main contenders in Cairo.
Kozoom, celebrating its 20th birthday these days, will broadcast the tournament live and asked some random players to the chances, the expectations and the ambiance on the eve of the start.
Kozoom/Frits Bakker: When did you arrive in Cairo, what are your first impressions of the city and the surrounding area? Did you make a trip around?
Dick Jaspers (Netherlands): ,,We crossed the city of Cairo after I arrived by plane, always shocking and fascinating, this enormous city. The images speak for themselves. Now, I just focus to the tournament, take a rest and live up to the start, that is my goal. And no time for sightseeing.
Nguyen Quoc Nguyen (Vietnam): We just arrived here and this is a wonderful city. I feel really exciting, drinking coffee and watching the Giza Pyramid, but we didn't go in the city so far.
Torbjörn Blomdahl (Sweden): I came on Sunday night. On Monday I went on a trip to the center of Cairo to the Rivoli billiard club for some hours of practice.
David Pennör (Sweden): My first impressions in Giza are wonderful. And lots of good food restaurants and shops. I didn't have time for a trip so far, unfortunately. A little bit tired after the trip, so I took a bit of rest and a quick dinner at street food market.
Arnim Kahofer (Austria): Just arrived, today, the playing venue just beside the pyramids is fantastic.
Eddy Merckx (Belgium): Because we have our flight on Monday, I will arrive late in the evening, we will see what we meet there.
Tonny Carlsen (Denmark): We arrived well on Sunday evening at 10 pm in the hotel. My first impression is very good. I was here last time in 1989 for the European championship, but very nice to be back after nearly 30 years. And of course we have to visit the pyramids.
Robinson Morales (Colombia): I was never before in an African country, my first impression about the city is that is looks very peculiar. We visited the pyramids by camel with the other South Americans and the Marriott Mena House Hotel is very spectacular.
Yusuke Mori (Japan): No time for sightseeing so far, but I surely will like the historical town.
Kozoom/FB How many World championships have you played in three cushion so far? Is this one of the most wonderful locations?
Torbjörn Blomdahl: It should be around 30 times. I don't know the exact number. The location under the pyramids is certainly very nice. It's one of the places you can never forget. Eddy Merckx: The number of championships, I really don't know. Just that I played four finals, twice I won, twice I lost.
Dick Jaspers: ,,Since the CEB/UMB suspension with many other top players, in 1998, I played them all. And yes, this is one of the most special locations.
Tonny Carlsen: I think between 20/25 times. The best results was in Saint Etienne in 2000 where I lost the final to Dick Jaspers.
Arnim Kahofer: My fourth World championship in three cushion. The golden tournament hall is simply genius and catches the flair of Egypt perfectly.
Nguyen Quoc Nguyen: I played five World championships in my career and Cairo is a wonderful location.
Robinson Morales: Very excited to be back at a World championship. My second appearance on the World's, after Bordeaux in 2016 where I finished 11th.
David Pennör: My second World championship after Santa Cruz, Bolivia, last year. This is the most wonderful location so far.
Yusuke Mori: I played several World's as a junior in three cushion and one cushion. This is my first tournament with the big players en my first visit to such a luxurious hotel and venue.
Kozoom/FB: Who are your top 3 favourites for the title?
Eddy Merckx: Caudron, Zanetti, Jaspers
Dick Jaspers: Caudron, Merckx, Zanetti
Tonny Carlsen: I don't know, but Frédéric Caudron and Eddy Merckx must be among the favourites.
Arnim Kahofer: Jaspers, Caudron and Tran are the best candidates for me.
Nguyen Quoc Nguyen: The best player must be the champion, but I'm not used to name the favourite. The future will show us.
Robinson Morales: Caudron, Sánchez, Jaspers.
Yusuke Mori: All players are more excellent than me, so I can't choose.
David Pennör: Caudron, Merckx and (of course) Blomdahl.
Torbjörn Blomdahl: I think the list of favourites is long.
Kozoom/FB: Which expectations do you have yourself to start this World Champ?
Torbjörn Blomdahl: As for me I, am just in a phase of finding back my good game. For the moment only concentrating on that. So it feels like a new chance to do something good. Even if it might not be perfect, it is working well in my opinion. In the last years we have had great World championships, like in Bordeaux.Nguyen Quoc Nguyen: I never was in the last eight, so, I hope to play very well here and be in the final rounds.
Eddy Merckx: I never have expectations for myself. When I put myself under pressure, I can be out very soon. We'll see what it brings.
Tonny Carlsen: I have been practicing very good, 1 to 3 hours every day the last two months and I feel good this moment. So, I try to make it a success in this championship.
Arnim Kahofer: Passing my group is my first goal and hopefully reachting the last 16.
David Pennör: My goal is to reach the next round with two Koreans in my group, Sung-Won Choi and Hyun Min Seo.
Dick Jaspers: My expectations are not too high.
Robinson Morales: I hope to reach my personal top level and finish in a good position.
Yusuke Mori: I want to do my best and enjoy myself.
Kozoom/FB: The system with 48 players has been a long tradition, is that, in your opinion, the perfect scenario to play a World championship?
Tonny Carlsen: I think we have a good system for this championship.
Nguyen Quoc Nguyen: The system is very good for all of us.
Eddy Merckx: The system is what it is, we have to deal with it. Play all against each other, is impossible. I like it as it is now.
Dick Jaspers: For me it's allright. Although I like to change from 40 points to 50 in the knock-outs.
David Pennör: The system is great with 2 players of 3 advance for the next round.
Yusue Mori: The system is not bad, but a lot of good players is not allowed to participate, so I hope there is a way to improve.
Arnim Kahofer: I like the system with first the groups and then the knock-out, still, maybe groups of 4 players would be better.
Kozoom/FB: Is the World championship the most important tournament for you every year?
Eddy Merckx: The most important, because of the title and the ranking points, in money, far behind the McCreery this year, although, the good news is that UMB raised all the prize money.
Torbjörn Blomdahl: For me the World cup title is the most important. It has always been, because it is a result of one entire year. But out of a media point of view, the title of World champion weighs heavier. For sponsors and federations, I guess it is by far the most important title.
Nguyen Quoc Nguyen: Yes, of course, I'm looking forward day by day to compete with the top players in the world.
Tonny Carlsen: The World championship is always something special and of course a highlight of the year.
David Pennör: The most important, for sure, it's every players dream to play a World championship.
Dick Jaspers: The most important, for sure.
Yusuke Mori: This is my first, so I don't know anyway. I can tell you after my performance.
The South American players for the World championship
On the day before the start: Sameh Sidhom, Dani Sánchez, Semih Sayginer